Our Family Blog
Sunday, October 15, 2006
October Blog
Costume Craze!! Look at these Baby Superheroes!!
Captain America
Green Lantern
How about Darth Vader & Yoda!?
I know it’s still a little early, but Halloween is coming!  Last year the babies were too young to dress up and go trick-or-treating.  We bought them peapod outfits but never got a chance to use them.   What sort of costumes should we get for the babies this year?? Well, Mom had some fun using Adobe Photoshop and here are some possible choices... Which is your favorite??
One of our faves, Batman & Robin!
Stay tuned!  We have lots of exciting events coming up!
Updates have been a little slow lately because the babies have been sick, especially Little B.  I’ve been spending so much time caring for him that I haven’t had the chance to work on this website!  Things should go back to normal very soon... (I hope!)
Reflecting back on this past year, I have to say that life has changed a LOT compared to our pre-baby days!  Gone are the leisurely hours where I could veg out on the sofa watching TV...gone are the times where I could drive over to the mall to browse and shop til my feet got tired..I can’t even remember the last time Ken and I went out to see a movie.  Yup, thhose carefree days of the past are long gone.
There aren’t that many hours of the day that I could call my own these days.   I shouldn’t complain though because it’s getting better.  In the beginning, I was lucky if I could find time to brush my teeth or change my clothes on any given day!  I’ve discovered that personal grooming takes a backseat to the babies needs.  In the past, I would take maybe half an hour to get ready to go out.  I’d brush my hair, put on makeup, etc... These days I can get ready in less than 5 minutes!! Of course, I’m sure you can tell I TOOK only 5 mins, but priorities have shifted now...If I took any longer, I’d never get out of the house since there’s so much stuff to do to get 2 babies out the door. There’s changing of diapers, changing of clothes, packing the diaper bag, bringing booster seats, bringing food and bottles or bowls/utensils, strapping them into carseats, etc....it’s a whole big production just to get out of the house! Who has time to spare putting on eyeliner and mascara?  I usually manage to swipe on lipgloss in the car and that’s about it.
These days  the babies go to bed by around 9:00pm so I have about 2.5-3 hours each night of “me time” and for that I am so grateful!  It keeps me sane!  Thank goodness the babies sleep through the night.    The early months when they didn’t were BRUTAL.  I never even imagined that I could feel the level of exhaustion that I did during that time.   Life these days is alot better.  During the day, the boys can usually entertain themselves for awhile which leaves me with a little bit of time to cook for them and to get housework done.  If only I can get them to nap on a regular schedule, life would be even better!  
 To be honest, sometimes I do miss alot of things that I used to do before the babies and sometimes I’m completley exhausted and overwhelmed, but when I look at those cute little faces smiling at me,  I forget all the hard stuff.  When I hold them and feel their little arms hugging me tight, it’s worth all the hard work and I realize that life is good!!  
This website has been so much fun for me to make this past year.  I hope that you’ve enjoyed viewing it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it!  Stay tuned for more of our adventures!
My thoughts... -Amy
October 2005
October 2006